We want to be that place where you can rest, recover in the midst of a difficult time, heal soul wounds, regain your strength, and then go out to battle again.
Everyone in the city of Las Vegas (and beyond) needs to have an encounter with Jesus! Not just to know or hear about Jesus, but to have an intimate encounter with the living God.
We believe that the church is God's plan to equip and send local missionaries to our schools, neighborhoods, offices, and social environments to be representatives of Jesus wherever we are and then send to the nations.
Everyone is invited, and no one remains the same after encountering God, who is the life transformer.
So, we warmly welcome you to The Bunker from now on.
Meet our team
Lead Pastors
Juanfra y Tete
Pre-Teens and Teens
Pepe y Nathy Matta
Karla Flores
Social Media
Sander García
Audiovisual Producer
Bryan Appen
Alejandro Vargas
Graphic Designer
Eduardo y Natalia QUINTEROS
Harold y Elena
Pastoral Counselors
Alfonso y Sofía Bocache
Pastoral Counselors
We are obsessed with Jesus. It's about Jesus all the time, and we will follow Him no matter the cost.
We will love first and ask questions later. We love people wherever they are and enough not to leave them there. There is grace for everyone's journey.
Servant leadership is at the core of who we are and what we do. Jesus redefined greatness by serving.
We lead courageously through sacrificial service, following Jesus' example.
We live intentionally by the Holy Spirit. We can and should listen to and obey the Holy Spirit.
We are a people who cultivate, enjoy, and invite others to belong. We value unity and teamwork as we are infinitely stronger together than alone.
We will go to great lengths to reach those who need Jesus. We live our lives with the purpose of helping others know, experience, and follow Jesus.
Prayer is our first response, not our last resort.
We become irrationally generous. We joyfully give of our time, talents, and treasures in response to God's nature.
Excellence is our worship. Excellence in all we do is our response to the wonder of who God is! We are on time, committed, and prepared, as this honors each other and honors Father God.
We are punctual. Punctuality is not only about being on time but also implies, especially, one of the values we most promote out of respect for people and God.